Annual ground water salinity sampling
Monitoring groundwater resources regularly is important for tracking the resource condition over time.
Water licence holders play an important role in helping to monitor groundwater by collecting samples from the wells or bores on their property. These samples are analysed by the Department for Environment and Water and the results will complement other monitoring activities undertaken in prescribed water resource areas.
Samples are usually requested near the end of the irrigation season as this is when the salinity levels are likely to be highest. For most irrigators this is also the most convenient time as a sample can be taken easily after an irrigation cycle, rather than having to start and purge the well/bore to clear out stale water and get a representative sample from the aquifer.
If you have submitted a water sample in the past, the results of that test and other useful information can be found here on WaterConnect. Enter your well unit number to obtain information about the well/bore.
Results from each year’s samples will be available approximately three months after the closing date for sample collection.
Your ongoing participation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions in relation to well/bore sampling methods or the location of your well/bore, please contact us on 0448 699 514 or
More information
Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
Unit 5-6, Level 1 Sturt Centre, 2 Sturt Reserve Road, Murray Bridge SA 5253