Using the river
Information for boaters
River vessel activities are an everyday part of River Murray life and provide enjoyment for a large number of people. Enjoying the river, though, comes with a responsibility to care for our precious natural resources – the river water, wetlands and floodplains.
- River vessel waste disposal stations are available for your use at approximately 50 km intervals all along the South Australian length of the River Murray. Other, privately owned, stations are also available by negotiation with the owners.
- Some artificial structures on the floodplain, wetlands and creeks – including fences, bridges and other structures – could be under water in high flow conditions and could present a risk to your safety. Find out about hazards in the lakes and the infrastructure data on WaterConnect for more.
- You might find our downloadable maps of the Coorong, lakes Alexandrina and Albert useful. They including regional and bathymetry maps.
- The Environment Protection Authority SA, along with the Commonwealth Government, has developed the code of practice for vessel and facility management for inland and marine waters.
Information for land managers
If you are planning a development on a marina, canal estate or other artificial water body (885kb pdf) on the River Murray you may need a water licence or permit.
Also, if you are planning to build a dam, structure or to carry out any form of water affecting activity (including dredging, draining and more), you may need a water licence or permit.
Information for visitors
There are ten National Parks in the South Australian River Murray region and lots of things to do, including boating, canoeing, camping and fishing.