Plants and animals

Native food plants

Plants and animals

Native food plant fact sheets

Description: find out about native food plants suited to school gardens. These fact sheets describe the plant and its size as well as highlight traditional uses. Schools are welcome to download fact sheets or use QR codes to link to these fact sheets on school garden signage.

Year level: Any age

Sweet apple berry (billardiera cymosa)

Chocolate lily (arthropodium fimbriatum)

Flax lily (dianella revoluta)

Muntries (kunzea pomifera)

Native basil (plectranthus graveolens)

River mint (mentha australis)

Ruby saltbush (enchylaena tomentosa)



Plants and animals

Regent Parrot Education Resource

Resource type: Teacher resource

Description: Information and resources to assist teaching about regent parrots.

Year level: F-12

Regent Parrot Education Resource

Plants and animals

Regent Parrot Food Fact Sheet

Description: Find out about the vulnerable regent parrot and what local native plants you could be planting to provide food and habitat.

Year level: Any age

Regent Parrot Food Fact Sheet

Plants and animals

Regent parrot mask

Description: Colour and make your very own regent parrot face mask.

Regent parrot mask

Plants and animals

Regent parrot maze

Description: Can you help the regent parrot find the perfect nesting hollow?

Regent parrot maze

Plants and animals

Regent parrot word find

Description: Can you find all the words that relate to the vulnerable regent parrot?

Regent parrot word find

Plants and animals

Wetland birds ID chart

Resource type: printable A3 identification chart

Description: Use this chart to help identify and learn about wetland bird species found in the Murraylands and Riverland region.

Year level: Upper primary / high school / community

Wetland birds ID chart

Murray-darling carpet python

Plants and animals

Murray-darling carpet python flyer

Resource type: Information sheet/call for sightings

Description:Find out about the rare murray-darling carpet python and how you can help us learn more about them by reporting sightings.

Year level:Any age

Murray-darling carpet python flyer

Plants and animals

Murray-Darling carpet python word find

Description: Can you find all the words that relate to the rare Murray-Darling carpet python?

Murray-Darling carpet python word find

Plants and animals

Murray-Darling carpet python maze

Description: Help the Murray-Darling carpet python find her way to the rocky outcrop.

Murray-Darling carpet python maze


Plants and animals

Frogs of the Murray Valley poster

Resource type: A3 printable poster

Description: Learn about frog species found in the Murraylands and Riverland, including the vulnerable southern bell frog. Scan the QR codes to explore each species and listen to their mating calls.

Year level: Any age

Frogs of the Murray Valley poster

Plants and animals

Frogs of the Murray Valley ID Chart

Resource type: A3 printable identification chart/key

Description: Use this chart to help identify and learn about frog species found in the Murraylands and Riverland. The double-sided chart includes an easy identification key.

Year level: Upper primary / high school / community

Frogs of the Murray Valley ID Chart

River Murray Turtles

Plants and animals

River Murray Turtle Fact Sheets

Description: Find out about the life and habits of the of the three species of turtle found in the Murraylands and Riverland. Select the fact sheet relevant to your sub-region for a local overview.

Year level: Any age

Broad-shelled turtle
Eastern long-necked turtle Murraylands
Eastern long-necked turtle Riverland
Murray short-necked turtle Murraylands

Murray short-necked turtle Riverland

Plants and animals

River Murray Turtles Education Resource

Resource Type: Teacher resource
Description: Information and resources to assist teaching about River Murray turtle species.
Year level: F-12

River Murray Turtles Education Resource

Plants and animals

River Murray Turtle Posters

Resource Type: Posters
Description: Four full colour posters designed to provide information about, and call to action for our River Murray turtles. Posters include: River Murray turtles, Why are they important? What’s happening to them? What you can do.
Year level: Any age

River Murray Turtles
The Importance of River Murray Turtles

Threats to River Murray Turtles

What you can do to help River Murray Turtles

Plants and animals

River Murray Turtle Lifecycle Activity

Resource Type: Activity
Description: Colour-in and cut out your own Eastern long-necked turtle lifecycle wheel.
Year level: F-6

River Murray Turtle Lifecycle Activity

Plants and animals

River Murray Turtle Lifecycle Colouring Page

Resource Type: Colouring
Description: Colour-in the lifecycle of the Eastern long-necked turtle.
Year level: F-6

River Murray Turtle Lifecycle Colouring Page