Discovery of Aboriginal sites, objects and remains
Information for landholders, contractors and grant recipients
The Aboriginal Heritage Act (SA) provides for the preservation and protection of Aboriginal sites of significance within South Australia.
Owners or occupiers of a parcel of land, and agents of these (including staff, contractors and subcontractors), have responsibilities under the Act when Aboriginal sites, objects or remains are discovered.
What to do if a site or suspected site is discovered
Aboriginal sites, objects or remains must be left completely undisturbed unless a section 23 authorisation from the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation has been obtained. Work must stop immediately if any Aboriginal sites, objects or remains are found on or below the ground surface.
If a suspected site is discovered, leave everything in place and contact Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation on 8226 8900, or email including the location and photographs.
Who to contact if a site is discovered
Any discoveries must be reported to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation through the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, and advice must be sought regarding appropriate action.
Contact the Department of the Premier and Cabinet – Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation on 8226 8900.
If skeletal remains are found then, under the Coroners Act (SA), the South Australian Police must be immediately notified.
Contact the South Australian Police on 131 444.
Divulging information to others
Information about an Aboriginal site, object or remains, or Aboriginal tradition, must not be divulged to others except as authorised or required by the Act.
For more information Contact the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board’s Aboriginal Partnerships Team on 8532 9100 (Murray Bridge) or 8580 1800 (Berri), the Department of the Premier and Cabinet on 8226 8900 or visit the Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Unit online.