Cylindropuntia and Austrocylindropuntia cacti

Cylindropuntia and Austrocylindropuntia cacti

Cylindropuntia and Austrocylindropuntia cacti

Cylindropuntia (including Austrocylindropuntia) cacti are characterised by their cylindrical limbs and include commonly known species such as devil's rope, Hudson pear and pencil cactus. All Cylindropuntia species are declared in South Australia.

Recorded Cylindropuntia and Austrocylindropuntia outbreaks in the Murraylands and Riverland region*

Cylindropuntia and Austrocylindropuntia cacti
Pencil cactus (Cylindropuntia leptocaulis)
Cylindropuntia and Austrocylindropuntia cacti

This project is supported by the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board with funding through the landscape levies.

*Map provided as a guide only. Mapped outbreaks are not necessarily current or comprehensive.